The Closest Thing to Love (2022)

The Closest Thing to Love (2022)


The Closest Thing to Love (2022)

Love is a mania, a madness of the senses, a satisfying and exhausting existential dynamic, an endless search for something that we don't know what it looks like, how it is touched or what it tastes like. A complex and powerful chemical reaction. A typical phenomenon related to human experience that appears in a wide range of possibilities. For you, what is the closest thing to love?

Dirección Carlos Mendoza Guillén
Productor Felipe Martínez
Productor ejecutivo Alvaro Guitiérrez
Director de Fotografía Alan Zúñiga
Editor: Carlos Medonza Guillén
Compositor Musical Alvaro Guitiérrez 
Dirección de Arte Enrique Echeverría
Diseñador de maquillaje Melissa Lucio

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