Selected WorkTierra
Selected Work
Consuelo is the mother of a disappeared young woman, when she witnesses the clandestine burial of a girl by members of the state police, she decides to unearth the body to give it a better burial in the town’s cemetery with the help of her brother Armando.
Producer Marcela Ayala
Director Gustavo Gamero
Awards and mentions

✯ Best Short Feature Special Mention - Zsigmond Vilmos Film Festival
✯ Prix CCAS du court-métrage | Prix des électriciens gaziers - Cinelatino, 34es Rencontres de Toulouse
✯ Special Mention - Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca
✯ Best Actress Award and Press Special Mention Award - Shorts México
✯ Best Mexican Short Film - Festival de Cine de Ensenada
✯ Best Fiction Short Film - Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario
Festival selections
✯ Oficial Selection - Festival Internacional de Cine de Monterrey. Cortometraje Mexicano de Ficción y Cortometraje de Nuevo León
✯ Oficial Selection - Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia
✯ Oficial Selection - Festival Internacional de Cine de Guanajuato
✯ Oficial Selection - Shorts México
* Special Press Price
✯ Oficial Selection - Zsigmond Vilmos Film Festival
* Best Short Feature Special Mention
✯ Oficial Selection - Copenhagen Short Film Festival
✯ Oficial Selection - Central Alberta Film Festival
✯ Oficial Selection - Festival de Cine de Ensenada
* Best Short Film Award
✯ London Short Film Festival. New Shorts Showcase
✯ Oficial Selection - Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de curtas do Rio de Janeiro. Panorama Latinoamericano
✯ Oficial Selection - Cortos Cali. Competencia Internacional
✯ Oficial Selection - Cine Latino Toulouse